A Beginning Introduction

We, the family at Bayside Family Church, are a gathering of people, striving to be true brothers and sisters, journeying with Christ to become who He wants us to be here. We believe church is a place for the broken to become healed not a museum for saints. This brokenness is at times messy and painful. It is the way it's supposed to be in this portion of the journey of life to real life. Christ's love and our love for Him are the rails that keep us on the right track towards those round about us. The following pun is intentional: without this love we will rail against each other. The New Testament is in many ways a book of relationship; a how to be in relationship with God and a how to be in relationship with others. Many churches have their doctrinal distinctives, we do as well, but a distinctive that we are striving for is simply to like and to love one another, to strive (to quote Paul) to bear the weakness of one another and to not just please ourselves. We aren't there yet but we are trying. It would be a delight to have you part of this journey with us. In this journey our goal is, even with all our imperfections and brokenness, to bring glory to Christ and to show his love to all who we meet. Hypocrisy, false fronts, playing church, hiding hurts, walking alone must all cease. Our hunger is to become the church that God has always wanted us to be.

For a more theological explanation about what we believe, please visit the PAOC website.